In this episode, Jeff chats with Louis Enrique Negrón, Sr. about his story of self-discovery, spiritual healing, service to the community, and development as an executive business leader. As Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the 100...
Jonathan is the founder of Faith & Valor, a management consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. He is a seasoned strategist, question-asker, and pattern noticer with over 15+ years of experience in organizational effectiveness, purpose alignment, and...
John Duisberg is the co-founder of Cooleaf in Atlanta, GA, which is an employee engagement platform that helps leaders build a culture of appreciation and performance for their organization. At Cooleaf, John leads revenue generation and overall...
Chat Guest Stacey grew up with a legacy of building our community and giving back. Her grandparents, an attorney, and a school teacher founded a church and taught people within their community how to read in the basement of the church after work in...