Finding the Way: The Entrepreneur’s Tale with Cap Treeger

Episode 174

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Hosted by
Jeff Bond

Jeff Bond is the CEO of Chat With Leaders Media and an Executive Partner at the People-First Elevation Team. He specializes in business content and event experience design, focusing on developing growth strategies that enhance customer and employee success. His team produces engaging podcasts and events, both online and in person, that help organizations build relationships and trust with their essential stakeholders. As a podcast host and trusted advisor, Jeff implements collaborative and fun strategies for sustainable business growth and human-centric connection. Off the clock, Jeff is a devoted husband and father of 3 kiddos based in Atlanta, GA.

Everyone has a story to tell. That is the same for entrepreneurs, whether you call it the “hero’s journey,” “quest,” or another name. The question many founders and entrepreneurs ask is “how do I find my way on this entrepreneurial journey?”

In today’s episode, Jeff chats with serial entrepreneur and investor, Cap Treeger. Cap is the author of Finding the Way: The Entrepreneur’s Tale. He talked to Jeff about the importance of ‘purposeful intention,’ what founders and CEOs can do differently to attract and retain top talent, as well as what he sees as his role as a leader.



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Episode 174