Welcome to “The People Experience Pulse,” a Chat With Leaders Media podcast. In this trailer episode, Executive Producer Quentin Thomas, sits down with Vicki Flier Hudson and Jeff Bond to delve into the inspiration behind the podcast’s focus on People, Employee, and Human Experience (PX/EX/HX) leaders. Vicki, a DEI-focused executive coach, musician, and Executive Partner of the People-First Elevation Team, emphasizes the importance of elevating people’s experiences for a thriving workplace culture. Jeff, CEO of Chat With Leaders Media and Executive Partner of the People-First Elevation Team, highlights the significance of servant leadership and rethinking business with a people-first approach. The podcast aims to provide actionable strategies, insights into evolving employee experiences, and examples of successful PX/EX/HX initiatives, inspiring listeners to create inclusive workplaces. Join hosts Vicki Flier Hudson and Jeff Bond as they embark on an exciting new journey.

Resources related to this episode
- Visit peoplefirstelevation.com
- Follow Vicki on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/vickiflierhudson/
- Follow Jeff on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffbond123/
- Follow Quentin on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/quentin-thomas-a7043523/
- Theme Music 🎵Embark on a Journey from Pond5.com
- Produced by ChatWithLeadersMedia.com