What+When+How: Promoting Your Repurposed Podcast Content On Social Media

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Hosted by
Jeff Bond

I'm the Co-Founder of Chat With Leaders Media and People First Elevation Team, where my team and I help values-driven businesses create content that strengthens relationships, fuels engagement, and drives high-performing cultures. We partner with communications, marketing, and people teams to produce thought-leadership podcasts, executive messaging, and event content. My team and I also work with leaders to transform company meetings into culture-defining moments—ensuring they align teams, elevate key voices, and inspire action. As a board member of Conscious Capitalism Atlanta, I advocate for business as a force for good. Outside of work, I’m passionate about faith, family, and using influence to create lasting impact.


30-60 second audio clips with waveform and subtitles highlighting a big idea shared by your guest on their episode and to tease a listen to the full episode

LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

#NowPlaying {{tag your podcast page/handle}} featured {{tag guest profile}}, {{guest title}} of {{tag guest company} in our latest episode! Show notes and links to subscribe+listen on your favorite podcast app at {{link to episode URL}}.

#HashTagOne #HashTagTwo #HashTagThree #HashTagFour #Podcast

[Attach square 1080px x 1080px audiogram to all platforms]

Pro Tips 💁‍♂️
  • Post this on your personal LinkedIn profile on the drop date if you have more followers than your company page at the time. Re-share the post on your company page too if originated on your personal profile (or vice versa). Make sure to also email and text your guest to let them know the episode is published and promoted to encourage them to do the same. Send them all the media assets and encourage their marking team to repurpose the content. See the email example below. 
  • Tag any people how were related to the content, relationship with the guest, or in your newtork who would appreciate the content in the comments to bring them into the conversation after the post.
  • Replace #HastagOne+Two+Three+Four with the main topics of your podcast and that specific episode. I don’t obsess over hashtags, but they’re helpful to have to increase your chances of discovery on social media by a prospect interested in your topics. Resource: https://brandmentions.com/blog/how-to-find-trending-hashtags/ 

Quote Graphic

Visual graphics citing a powerful idea shared by the guest on your show that creates another meaningful touchpoint to spotlight their thought leadership, elevate their brand, and further your relationship.

LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook

#ICYMI We were honored to unpack the topic of {{episode title / theme}} with {{tag guest profile}}, {{guest title}} of {{tag guest company}}.

Subscribe and listen to the full episode on your favorite podcast app at {{link to show notes and player}}. Follow {{tag your podcast/company page if originated on your personal profile}}.

#HashTagOne #HashTagTwo #HashTagThree #HashTagFour #Podcast #MeaningfulIdea

[Attach square 1080px x 1080px visual content]


#ICYMI Honored to unpack the topic of {{episode title / theme}} w/ {{tag guest profile}}, {{guest title}}, {{tag guest company}}.

Subscribe and listen to the full podcast episode at  {{link to show notes and player}}. Follow {{tag your podcast/company page if originated on your personal profile}}.

#HashTagOne #HashTagTwo #HashTagThree #HashTagFour #Podcast #MeaningfulIdea

[Attach 1200px x 675px visual content sized for Twitter]

Pro Tips 💁‍♂️

Post these quote graphics about a week or so after you post the episode for additional exposure and another touchpoint with your guest + audience.

Use a social media management platform like Buffer, Hootsuite, Loomly, or Cloud Campaign to publish content and measure engagement all in one place. We’ve been using Buffer but will be launching a trial with Cloud Campaign soon. These are all very similar platforms so it’s a matter of choice and preference as to which one is best for you.

Although there are different points of view on this, it’s documented on several resources that the best times to post on social media overall are 10:00 AM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

  • The best time to post on Facebook is 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • The best time to post on Instagram is 11:00 AM on Wednesdays.
  • The best time to post on Twitter is 8:00 AM on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • The best time to post on LinkedIn is 9:00 AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Replace #HastagOne+Two+Three+Four with the main topics of your podcast and that specific episode. I don’t obsess over hashtags, but they’re helpful to have to increase your chances of discovery on social media by a prospect interested in your topics. Resource: https://brandmentions.com/blog/how-to-find-trending-hashtags/ 

If your Tweet is longer than 280 characters https://www.wikihow.com/Post-a-Tweet-Longer-Than-280-Characters 

Text To Guests Template 💬

These days, friends text one another and it’s one of the most widely accepted ways to communicate personally. It’s always good if you can move the guest relationship to a texting basis to move into the friend zone where you care about serving and being available to them.

On Drop Date

Great news! Your {{your podcast name}} episode is now live and you were awesome! We’ll email you more detailed info… wanted to send a quick text to thank you again for sharing your gifts of time and wisdom with our listeners!! Please let me know how you think it turned out when you listen. – {{your name}}

Guest Email Template On Drop Date 📧

Note: This is an example of what I send to my guests on the drop date to share the media assets, direct them to the show notes, and advise them on how to get the maximum exposure from the episode. It helps to give them clarity on how to promote in a comfortable and helpful way to support the growth of their business and influence. This is a wonderful opportunity to add value to them, create a memorable experience of participating in this collaboration with you, and remind them of ways to keep in touch for future collaborations.

Modify the parts that are specific to my brand and business and replace them with your own brand information.

Subject: {{Episode Number}} Your Feature On {{Your Podcast Name}} Is Now Playing!

{{Guest Name}},

Great news, this episode is now live and ready to share with the world. Please let me know how you think it turned out?! 😊


  1. {{Click here – add a  hyperlink to your show notes and podcast player page on your website or hosting site}} to view show notes, listen, and share with others on your favorite podcast app.
  2. {{Click here -add a hyperlink to your dropbox/google drive/one drive folder with their media assets}} for the google drive folder housing your edited mp3 audio files, episode cover art, an audiogram to promote on your social channels, and the unedited .mp4 video recording. (shoot me a note if it’s requesting permission for access and I’ll make sure you can get in)
  3. Make sure to tag @ChatWithLeaders and me (@jeffbond123 on LI/TW/FB and @jeffbond1234 on IG) and your company’s pages or any posts to your LI/TW/FB/IG and we’ll fully support by engaging in the conversations. We’ll do the same when we post on our company pages.
  4. Tag any contacts you mentioned in the episode or who have been influential in your life as a mentor/friend/advisor/etc. If they’ve had a direct impact on you it’s always a great way to acknowledge and affirm them publicly while giving thanks for how it’s led you to this opportunity to share your gifts of wisdom and thought leadership. They will be some of your greatest advocates and mean for spreading the content to new audiences and relationships.
  5. Your marketing team can repurpose this episode into a number of other types of micro-content to extend its impact:
    • written blog posts about the speaking engagement covering the whole or parts of the content (click here for example), 
    • quote graphics (click here for example),
    • micro-videos (click here for example), 
    • full-length YouTube video (click here for example)
    • LinkedIn Posts and Tweets
    • Content for an email newsletter, etc
  6. Try to get as many people on your leadership and sphere of influence to evangelize the content with their network on Linkedin and other social outlets to expand your brand’s reach (click here for example).


Chat With Leaders Media is a podcast production agency that helps social impact brands launch and manage their own podcast series to scale revenue and impact. We would be eternally grateful if you could pass our information along to any leaders in your network who are interested in starting their own podcast as a source of strategic (and fun) business growth. To learn more, start with OUR WHY.

This was such a fun and truly inspiring collaboration and I look forward to future ones! Keep in touch and text/call me anytime at 678-827-3635.

{{Email Signature}}

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