Corporate Generosity Is Increasingly Essential For Your Company

Episode 134

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Hosted by
Jeff Bond

At the core of Jeff's work is helping servant leaders use their influence as a force for good. As the Co-Founder of Chat With Leaders Media and Executive Partner at People First Elevation Team, he empowers organizational leaders with media solutions that spark collaboration and shared purpose with their teams and customers.

Together with his team, Jeff delivers event production, podcast production, content creation, cross-cultural training, and strategic advisory solutions. They are committed to unlocking the power of inclusive storytelling, shared experiences, leadership development, and feedback integration to ensure their media solutions meet the needs of their clients' stakeholder groups.

Their core values—Partnership, Inclusion, and Empowerment—guide everything they do. By fostering strong partnerships, embracing diverse perspectives, and equipping leaders with the tools to succeed, they aim to transform the way people engage while getting meaningful work done.

Outside of work, Jeff cherishes time with his wife and three kiddos, balancing his roles as a husband and father with his professional life in Atlanta, GA. Connect with Jeff to explore how impactful media solutions can drive success and engagement.

In today’s episode, Jeff chats with the Founding President of goBeyondProfit, Megan McCamey, about her leadership in the state of Georgia in partnership with Jackson Healthcare, the increasingly essential role of generosity in business resilience, and their latest research with Georgia CEO that outlines the critical issues surrounding mental health and flexibility.

More About Megan McCamey

Megan McCamey is the founding President of goBeyondProfit, a venture built to help CEOs lead purposefully and authentically amidst changing expectations from stakeholders. goBeyondProfit is an example of the types of ventures Megan has executed throughout her career bringing capacity and experience that turns an idea into a new business line or stand-alone enterprise.

Earlier in her career, Megan was Senior Advisor to the CEO for Points of Light and founding President of the Civic Incubator where she built new enterprises through mergers/acquisitions and joint ventures between for-profits and non-profits. Reporting to the Chair of McKenna, Long & Aldridge, Megan led the philanthropic and community impact strategy firm-wide including a multi-faceted effort to fight human trafficking nationwide. She transitioned to advise the new US Chair of Dentons, LLP on a post-merger social impact and corporate responsibility platform. She also worked closely with the founders of GreenPrint as they launched a sustainability solutions company.


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Episode 134